The “Administration” module of HeRMeS eXpress HR software empowers you to seamlessly manage organizational structure, positions, and employee appointments in accordance with Bulgarian legislation.

Streamlined process for employee administration
- Appoint employees and create all the necessary documents
- Access the complete history of all events and documents
- Enter the necessary personal and business data
- Easily find the created documents in the automatically maintained registers
- Export Notifications under Art. 62
- Generate a variety of MS Excel reports

Self-Service portal for everyone in the company

Self-Service for employees
"Information about me“

Personal data and contacts, electronically signed documents, appointment details, used leaves and balances, training plans and completed courses, skills and qualifications.

Self-Service for employees
"Information about employees“

Key performance indicators for the team and information about employees: demographic status, appointments, absences, sick leaves, business trips, training, evaluations, etc.

Self-Service for employees
“Internal service request”

Employee requests to HR for inclusion and changes in benefits, issuance of documents, etc.

Self-Service for employees
“Request for work outside the office”

Request and coordination with the direct manager for work from home or from another location outside the office.
Explore the functionality of the "Administration" module


Human resources
- Administration according to legislative requirements
- Rich and user-friendly reference toolkit
- Capability to create hierarchies and appointments with future dates
- Structured reception and processing of employee requests

- Reference information for team members
- Key indicators
- Online approval of remote work requests

- Access to my administered information in the HR system
- Submitting requests for remote work
- Submitting requests to Human Resources
Enhance functionality by integrating additional modules of HeRMeS eXpress
HeRMeS eXpress is a modular human resource management software.
Select the modules that suit your needs and easily upgrade over time.
Streamline the management of vacations and sick leaves through an entirely online process, ensuring full compliance with regulatory requirements.
Visualize employee attendance data conveniently recorded through access control systems
Efficiently manage requests, orders, and reports for business trips in a convenient electronic format.
Utilize a flexible tool for planning and tracking work schedules in compliance with Bulgarian legislation.
Access a user-friendly interface for planning and registering your employees’ training sessions.
Utilize an integrated service for payroll calculation based on the data from the modules you are actively using.
Streamline the digital creation, approval, signing, and storage of documents for your employees with efficiency.
Are you ready to transform your HR processes?