Attendance Tracking
- Do you want to monitor your employees' adherence to working hours?
- Are you looking for a convenient tool for visualizing reported events from the access control system for your employees?
- Do you need comprehensive reports on attendance, tardiness, business trips, absences, self-exclusions, and more for each employee?
The solution for you is the Attendance Tracking module of the cloud HR software HeRMeS eXpress, which automatically utilizes data from access control systems.

Why choose HeRMeS eXpress for attendance tracking?

- Utilize a user-friendly interface
- Provide managers with an effective tool to manage their teams
- Monitor deviations from agreed working hours
- Obtain quick and accurate information on staff leaving and staying on the premises during crises and emergencies
Monitor employee attendance data through a user-friendly interface
- View the balance of daily, weekly, or monthly attendance in comparison to the reported working hours.
- Set a daily mandatory presence period within flexible working hours
- Use across all devices: computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone
- Synchronize data for leave, sick leave, training, remote work, and more while working with other modules of HeRMeS eXpress

Empower your management
with dynamic employee insights

- Team calendar featuring detailed employee information including attendance balance, tardies, absences, breaks, training, etc.
- Visualization in the calendar of the events registered in other modules of HeRMeS eXpress
- Мonthly reports for team FORM 76, presented in a unified format to streamline your organization's processes
FORM 76 just one click away
- View FORM 76 with days and hours marked where no attendance has been recorded for each employee
- Enter the reason for an employee's absence directly into FORM 76
- Coordinate and consolidate team FORM 76 submissions

Manage working time parameters

- Start and end of working day
- Lunch break period
- Flexible working hours and compulsory attendance period for the working day
- Allowable short-term absences from the workplace
- Agreed breaks within working hours
Automatically connect your access control system with the Attendance Tracking module
- Automatic import of personal data and login/logout data from access control systems
- Configuration of update periods for the received information
- Automatic modes for processing inconsistent data
- Selection of doors and devices through which presence is reported

Explore the Functionality of
the "Attendance Tracking" Module

Significantly enhance the capabilities of the module by integrating it with other modules of HeRMeS eXpress

Absence Management

- Self-Service "Leave Request"
- Self-Service "Sick Leave"
- Self-Service "Leave Termination"
- Self-Service “Work outside the office”


- Management of organizational structure, positions and appointments
- Preparation of documents for appointments
- Self-Service "Information about me"
- Self-Service “Information about employees”